Saturday, April 25, 2009

Two beautiful days

We have had two beautiful days here in Hendersonville, and the boys have had some fun playing outside. Here they are yesterday riding their John Deere Gator in the backyard:

Then today we found a baby bird in our back yard. It's pretty big for a baby, but it can't fly yet. Both boys were fascinated, of course, but since Little Brother just wanted to poke it, we had to keep him away from it. Here are some pictures of Big Brother and the bird:

And here are some pictures of the boys just being cute:

(My babies!)
(I might have to frame this one!)

(You can see his mouth forming the word "cheese.")

(He's getting brave...)
I hope all of you reading this have had nice weather to enjoy as well!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A cool new blog

I just found an awesome blog: I was intrigued when I read about about the blog, and when I checked it out, I found that I have a lot in common with the blogger! Check out her blog for great meal ideas, and check out her profile to see how great she is!

P.S. She has a great giveaway going on right now from Home Depot--make sure to enter!

Happy day!

We eat a lot of Goldfish at our house. I mean A LOT! That's why I am SO excited: Goldfish are in the 10 for $10 sale at Kroger this week! Since the cost over $2 there now, I wasn't sure if they'd ever be in that sale again. Happy day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Big Brother Has a Milestone, Too!

Big Brother had a huge milestone this week: he started full-time preschool! Here are some pictures of his first day (sorry some of them are blurry--I was a little excited!):

("We're on our way!")

(Walking into the school with Daddy)

(His new classroom)

Here's some video of Big Brother in his classroom:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Little Brother Becomes a Big Boy

Can you believe it? Little brother turned 18 months old yesterday and today we took him to get his very first haircut. Here are some before pictures from our trip to visit Noelle, Javier, and Eva last weekend:

And here are the after pictures:

Isn't it SO cute?! We just couldn't get over how different he looks!! Here is the video of his haircut; it's long, so feel free to fast forward (the end is cute).